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Don't complain - change!

Develop organizations 

without any frills!

Let us be successful together and get the best out of your company.

I'm Steffi, team and organizational developer,

Agile coach by conviction with a strong hands-on mentality. 

I help small and medium-sized companies that are concerned about their future and competitiveness to introduce and establish effective and sustainable changes in their organization. 

And without having to go through lengthy standard consultancy programs.
Together, pragmatic and immediate.
Without detours, without frills!


Agile organizational development

Do you want to introduce, improve or deepen agile working methods?

I accompany and support you in mastering your challenges.
My experiences from various organizations will also help you and your company.



The coordination between the teams needs to be improved and a team needs intensive support? A conflict in a team doesn't solve itself? I would be happy to accompany you from team kick-off to scaling teams.

Workshops &


I would be happy to empower you from product owner training to agile leadership workshop. Without many slides, but with many insights, so that you can apply the new knowledge directly in your organization.


"Passion, empathy and edge - that's what distinguishes Stefanie for me. She constantly challenges teams to get the best out of themselves. She tracks down inefficiencies and always has an eye on the development of the overall organization. She finds persistent but patient for every team, every unit and every organization at the right pace, based on an unbelievable foundation of knowledge and experience.
Don't ask Google, ask Steffi!"


Simone Korn

Founder Scalamento

"Stefanie has a very considerable background of experience and was able to actively support us in IT with her great commitment and ambition. Whether in training, workshops or in daily support, the teams could benefit from her and develop further thanks to her work. Kanban or Scrum - that was not the question, but rather how directly and pragmatically it is possible to develop a team into a high performance team. "


Markus Monka

IT Management sipgate GmbH

"As head of the IT department and her line manager, I got to know Ms. Könnecke as a team-oriented, very performance-oriented and reliable employee. Through her work at LichtBlick, Ms. Könnecke made an important and decisive contribution to the modernization of LichtBlick IT towards an agile organization. I can highly recommend her as an agile coach and organizational developer for the transition and further development of extensive agile organizations. "


Claus Sprave

IT Management LichtBlick SE

"We commissioned Stefanie for a workshop for our entire team on the subject of "Self Management & Collaboration".
I can definitely recommend her without reservation!
The mixture of revised guidelines, scientific principles and hands-on hints and tips has provided our team with great added value within 3.5 hours and we are already noticing an effect!"

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Justin Gemeri

Co-CEO ekipa GmbH

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